Friday, September 26, 2008

Little Dude!

Thank goodness for inept photographers at kiddie candids! Because of a lady complaining about this little man "wiggling too much" (yeah, I know.. are you kidding me?) I got to take pictures of him. He was perfect! I can't believe the newborn luck I have had. Check him out:

Thanks for the fun session Allison!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have been so frustrated at how my pictures have been looking. Once I upload they look really washed out and have kind of a blue tint. I finally figured out how to fix it! (Convert to sRGB for you photoshoppers!) SWEET!




Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have known Stacey since I was 8 years old. We were BFFs back in the singing/dancing/jazz hands days. Ah... good times. I was so excited when Stacey won my drawing because I knew we would have so much fun hanging out. Oh, and taking pictures. Here is your little preview Stace! I love that the colorful backgrounds totally match your personality.

The Parents

I had to post a couple more pictures from the "Family of 7" session. The cute parents! I LOVE the half smiling kiss. Don't they look so happy? I just can't decide if I like these better in color or black and white.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family of 7!!

This family was so fun to shoot. It was so strange not to have to chase anyone around or act like a spaz to get great smiles! haha! I love shooting older kids. Enjoy your preview G Fam!

S warned me that her littlest girl might have a hard time giving me real smiles. Well, this little girl cracked me up! At first, her smiles were cute little shy smiles like this:

But by the end, she was pointing out places where she wanted to get her pictures taken and hamming it up. Her pretty eyes kill me!


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