Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Photog Q and A

The past year has been incredible and humbling. I feel so grateful for the people who have lied to me and told me I was amazing when I needed the encouragement, and given me constructive criticism when it was time to grow. This job has been a huge blessing for my family, and I couldn't have done without all of you! Thank you.

Now I would love to share a piece of the photog love with you.

For the past few weeks I have had a lot of people E-mailing me and calling me with camera and photography questions. Camera recommendations, lens questions, cropping issues, photoshop tricks etc.

I don't claim to be an expert, but after 4 years of mistakes, a few classes and some great teachers, I know some tips that would have made my life much easier had I known them starting out .

So now is the time. Hit me with your burning photog/camera questions and I'll do my best to answer. Composition, lighting, focus, printing, posting on the web, resizing, megapixels, cropping, removing large moles in photoshop.. ANYTHING!

Leave a little comment or shoot me an E-mail and I'll get to them by next week!

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Cool Cousin

Once Upon a Time I competed in a triathlon. (I use the term "compete" loosely). Stop laughing. Though I barely survived, I DID finish. Barely. My cousins ran the tri with me and happened to kick my sorry trash. She rocks. And so do her kids.

Yippee ki yay!!!

For the first time in about 8 months I am completely done with proofing.



WOOHOO!!! I am going to sit around for a while, then get really bored, and then my friend, Tiff, better have her baby so I have something to edit. I can't handle too much boredom!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Here you go, Jo!

I took picture of my friend (Jo's) family a while ago, and I've taken forever to get her preview up. Forgive me, Joanne! Enjoy the pictures!
Dan said he'd take family pictures if they could be with their old beater truck. Men... :)

I know you're going to think El is cheesing it in this pic, but I love it!

13 C Fam Kids

I don't know how we did it, but we managed to get several pictures of 13 kids looking at the camera at the same time. WOOHOO! And this is before head swapping! I couldn't believe how good these kids were. Thanks C Fam!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Does editing make a difference?

Yes. Yes, it does.

Do you think it would be weird to get a giant canvas of someone else's kids to hang in my house? Because I want this:
and this:
and this:

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