Sunday, December 9, 2007

Em and Kev

I love being able to take pictures of beautiful people. Really, it makes my life so much easier. And do these two look happy, or what? Oh, and I'm including a single pic of Em's head shot. Those eyes are real! (Not that I'm jealous or anything... :))


Mrs. Walker said...

Those are so beautiful!

Emily said...

You make us look way better than we really do. That's a photographer's job, and you do it well.

So I went to print them at Target the other day and the guy at the photo lab counter got mad at me! He asked me if they were professionally taken and I said yes, because hi, you're professionally awesome and talented. So then he said I had to get a copyright release so they don't get sued and I tried to backtrack. "Well, um...she's not really a professional...I mean, she's my friend and she's just starting out and doesn't have a business license...but I mean, they're really good...ahaahhhhhh!" And he totally didn't believe that you were my friend and thought I was trying to, well, backtrack. So anyway I charmed him into giving them to me, but I was bugged at how he doubted my honesty. But THEN I thought what a compliment to YOU that he thought they were professionally done by some nazi studio that could potentially sue them! So way to go Melissa! And thanks again. I luff them!

Hannah said...

You are so talented!! I need you to make me look beautiful too.

Danielle said...

i LOVE the b&w umbrella one! what a cute idea!!


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