Monday, December 29, 2008


I am the world's worst secret keeper. Ask my husband how many times I have waited until Christmas or his birthday to give him his presents. (Never!) I can't stand the anticipation.

I have been waiting to post this session for 2 weeks and it has been killing me. It was definitely one of my favorite sessions of the year. They said they wanted funky and it was to be a Christmas surprise for Aaron (my BIL).

Here are 4 reasons why this session rocked:

* I about died when I saw L and N get out of their car. Funky layered goodness!
* We found a new awesome urban location.
* Hearing L and N say things like "look how the light hits that wall over there." Music to my ears!!
* Being beautiful doesn't hurt.

I love this picture of my nephew

Here is a short version of the slideshow I did for Aaron :

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